The area of COMEX is another important section of this Agency, and its main objective is to promote foreign trade projects from the Province of La Pampa in the rest of the world, adopting measures for trade cooperation and relations, planning marketing activities, and providing technical and business information. The following are some of the duties carried out by this Agency:
To design, coordinate and manage programs to help companies from La Pampa go global.
To foster and facilitate the development of foreign trade in the Province of La Pampa.
To retrieve strategic information about the export structure of the Province of La Pampa.
To strengthen La Pampa’s export tradition.
To establish contact with public and private institutions from La Pampa, Argentina and the
rest of the world in order to achieve sustained improvements.
To look for the best market opportunities for products that come from the Province of La
To create business opportunities abroad, accompanying and encouraging companies from La
Pampa through trade missions in other countries:
- Reverse trade missions
- Business rounds
- Participation in international fairs
- Trade agendas
How can we help you?
Programs and tools that the Province of La Pampa offers as a strategic destination for
Aduana y Zona Franca
La provincia de La Pampa cuenta con una Aduana ubicada en la Zona Franca de General Pico que permite a los usuarios una mayor agilidad para realizar las distintas operaciones de exportaciones e importaciones.
Posee un régimen fiscal y aduanero especial, consistente en la exención de los derechos aduaneros, impuestos nacionales y provinciales, tasas y contribuciones municipales, existentes o a crearse.
También, en relación con los egresos de mercadería a terceros países, que no están alcanzados por los derechos de exportación, ni por los derechos de importación de los insumos extranjeros, la empresa solo abona los derechos correspondiente a los componentes nacionales. Este constituye otro beneficio para las empresas allí instaladas.
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