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The Business Center in Neuquén (in the capital city of the Province of Neuquén, to the south-west of La Pampa) is an initiative developed by the Government of La Pampa in 2016, which was closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and was officially re-opened in 2022 in a new location in the center of the city. This center is available for companies, chambers and institutions of La Pampa which consider the region of Patagonia a potential market for their products. It can be the venue for business rounds, for meetings to establish links, and for planned marketing activities. The aim of this center is to strengthen trade relations, creating a business bridge between the Provinces of La Pampa and Neuquén, and connecting companies from both provinces through different activities.

La Pampa Business Center in Neuquén:
Juan B. Justo 110. Local 4. Neuquén.
Neuquén Office +54 2954- 404438 I-COMEX La Pampa +54 2954- 575326
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