- Income above national average
Due to the regional context of the Province, La Pampa’s family income per person is higher than Argentina’s average income.
Fig. 1: National family income per person. Average 2022

Source: National Institute of Statistics and Censuses of the Argentine Republic (INDEC). Permanent Household Survey (EPH)
- Human Development Index
In 2021 (when the last data per province was provided) La Pampa was placed in the second position in the ranking of Human Development Index (HDI) per province, with 0.86 points, 0.02 points below the City of Buenos Aires (which was in the first position) and 0.003 points above the Province of Chubut. With respect to the year 2016, the Province of La Pampa climbed 3 positions in the 2021 ranking, as it increased its HDI in 0.011 points.
Fig. 1: Human Development Index per province (2021)
Source: United Nations Development Programme
Necesidades Básicas Insatisfechas (NBI)
Permite la delimitación de grupos de pobreza estructural y representa una alternativa a la identificación de la pobreza considerada únicamente como insuficiencia de ingresos. Se identifican dimensiones de privación absoluta y se enfoca la pobreza como el resultado de un cúmulo de privaciones materiales esenciales.
Del total de provincias para el año 2010, La Pampa es la que posee el menor porcentaje de Necesidades Básicas Insatisfechas.
Figura 1: Necesidades Básicas Insatisfechas en hogares y población de La Pampa. Período: 2001-2010